Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Free Fall

Jude 24: Now to Him who is able to keep you from falling...

Ever feel like you are in a free-fall? No net to catch you, and you have no idea what is happening next? I have been there a few times in my life. There is a book that tells us what is going to happen next. But it is hard to believe in something if you don't understand the source from whence it came. 


Jude is a book in the Bible.  It has 25 whole verses and is to an audience that was vulnerable to lies, false religion and temptations toward immoral living. Verses 24 &25 are the closing of the letter, and a salute to to God our Savior who is able to keep us from falling, present us faultless to God with exceeding joy.  He alone is wise (for He is where wisdom comes from), Majestic, all powerful, worthy of all the Glory and holds dominion over what He has created both now and forever.


He offers forgiveness of sins, salvation from eternal death and the torment of hell. He loves us so much that He died in order to be with us. No other god has EVER done that. He is the only One. He offers life, hope, love and to live in paradise forever with Him.  He is a Father to the fatherless, He speaks for those who cannot speak, He is the mercy to the poor and needy, the renewer of the mind, lover of a sinner, and a net to those who are free-falling.

Who wouldn't want that? It has been man's goal to live forever in a peaceful paradise since day one. The only name to call on is Jesus' Name. It can be all ours forever.  We as individuals need to give up just one thing. Ourselves. We can't be the creators of it, we can't be the center of it. That position is already taken. To Him and Him alone. And we will meet Him one day. 

Hear that?


  He will present us faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy .. . THE REASON We always think of and pray for God to g...